This gentleman was singing "Misty" while waiting next to me for the train. Adorable.
Just a normal Sunday morning on my way to Strawberry Fields.
Layne Staley lives!
John Turturro in the BK
On the sidewalk as I was leaving kindiefest on Sunday.
Lincoln Center Band Shell
Mr T - Securi-T (heehee)
bunny on the train
happy little clouds.
walking to my train in times square, after an overtime night of catering in pennsylvania, getting home 4 hours late, you can see why taking this photo was necessary.
They were reading Tina Fey's book
and I just thought they were adorable anywhom.
too much traffic... this was the best angle i could get.
Rockwood 1 - bathroom
"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."
Heart Collector
(tag Aaron Lee Tasjan and Adam Levy)
This made me think of my friend Stu. Maybe only 4 people willget this.
Art Gallery on the Lower East Side...
these sweeties were just chillin'.
This is a guy...
dressed up and dancing to a boombox.
This is one of the subway car art posters. I always thought it was interesting (sad?) that the monster decorated in hearts is the only monster without a mate.
This is not a *find*. This is a stairwell at Metropolitan Museum of Art that I had to decorate with votive candles for a catering event.
Brooklyn Museum
so... this exists.
Dr Winston or Aaron Lee Tasjan?
I believe he is listening to Coldplay and that is a blood tear.
No warning, huh?
"I know a guy, with a hole in his heart"
(as found on the Streets of Galilee)
I've walked over this a million times and have never had the chance to take a photo. It is about 3 feet wide... am I the only one that sees this?!